// BIO //
Ulka Chauhan lives and works between Bombay, Goa & Zürich.
Her work has been awarded at the PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris, IPA International Photo Awards and TIFA Tokyo International Foto Awards in addition to being selected by the editors at the Leica Fotografie International Gallery as Master Shots and Best in Category.
She has exhibited at group shows in Nine Fish Gallery, Mumbai in 2019, at Photo Bastei Gallery, Zurich in 2020 and at HOSA in Goa in 2023. Her works have been a part of photo festivals such as the Venice Photo Lab, the Treviso Photographic Festival in 2021 and photoSCHWEIZ 22 in Zürich.
Her first book titled Two Worlds featured by Condé Nast Traveller contrasts and connects the linear and structured world of Switzerland with the chaotic and cyclical world of India.
Her second book on Goan homes, titled The Memory Keepers and Future Seekers, is a documentary style exploration that also lies at the crossroads of two worlds. Built during the Portuguese colonial era, it explores the two worlds of Goa and Portugal while also touching upon the worlds of the present and the past.
Ulka is an active member of the Swiss Street Collective and a co-editor of its blog.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a major in Finance and Economics from Babson College in Boston.
She previously worked in advertising at Young & Rubicam on Madison Ave, NYC and at Rediffusion Y&R in Mumbai before embarking on her journey into photography.
Ulka’s work has been awarded, exhibited and published in print and online media.